Business Involvement

' How' is a great question
Across the globe, businesses are increasingly becoming aware of the need to support the mental health of their staff, and to recognise where an employee might also be caring for someone with a challenging issue….like an eating disorder.
This section is all about guiding you toward ways in which your business – however great or small – could get involved in the world of Wednesday’s Child. You might want us to run empathy training for you, or you might recognise our boxes as being perfect as employee wellbeing gestures during a period of staff absence, and think we should be in touch with your HR team. We always love to chat, so even if you don’t spot the perfect collaboration potential, please get in touch below.
Our carefully curated boxes need a home - for your staff, clients or an unknown sufferer. First and foremost, we developed them with the idea that sometimes, a little extra thought needs to go into gifting a parcel to a person experiencing a mental health battle like an eating disorder. But, just so you know, we deliberately don’t reference this illness inside the box.
It means that if you have employees or clients who might appreciate a kindness box, which contains some sensitively selected items, our Wednesday’s Child boxes could be a perfect fit. We can also curate boxes with a particular person or group of people in mind. You tell us why the ‘send’ is required, and we’ll make our boxes a perfect and thoughtful match.
If you’d like to commit to send a box on a regular basis to someone through our community, you can arrange that too. We can provide a certificate to reference how many individuals your business has helped support in a month or a year.
Your kindness and empathy is ALWAYS appreciated.
£94 billion.
Yes, that’s the startling figure which the OECD says is the cost to the UK of mental ill health. While you cannot compassionately attach a price to someone’s despair or struggles, this is a very stark reminder of how business is affected when we choose not to support those we love, learn, live and work with.
Our Empathy Programme is built with that in mind. It’s great for businesses, but also for others who desire to be champion cheerleaders in supporting those they may meet in the future, or already recognise in their lives. Our certified approach sets out to give you an insight into what it’s like for someone who is living with an eating disorder. We discuss the kind of conversation do’s and don’ts you’re in danger of slipping into. We talk about positive support you can offer, as a boss, a mate or a partner.
Become part of an increased audience of individuals who truly ‘get’ what an eating disorder looks like in the modern world.
— just get in touch via the form below to find out more.

We’re always putting boxes, events and new programmes together. To this end, we’re keen to hear from those of you who’d love to provide items to gift, who want to stage an event, or who want to deliver other services which aid our logistics in a more cost effective and super efficient way.
You can show how committed you are to what we’re talking about and aiming to achieve, by tasking us to meet with your workforce and deliver a one-off workshop, or to put you through an empathy certificate programme in which you learn more about eating disorders.
Vacancies & Opportunities
Our talent match portal specifically exists to allow those in recovery to be able to access opportunities when they are not fully ready for a full-time profession, or indeed, they may be looking to return to the work place, with the knowledge their eating disorder is understood. We’d love to hear from businesses who have flexible, remote or short term roles for which our community would be well suited.
Simply by clicking through to our paypal account from the homepage, you can spread your love and support, and then reach out to us to ask for a Wednesday’s Child logo which you can wear with pride on your website