In Education

Throughout a person’s learning years
From primary school, through to university – we know that there’s a high likelihood that they’ll experience periods of stress, anxiety, or some degree of mental health frailty.
We also know that eating disorders in particular, often commence at a period of adolescence or campus study in young adulthood.
It’s one more reason why we’re so keen to work with schools and universities to help spread awareness, show support, and facilitate more teachers, wellbeing staff, students, parents and professional education bodies in tackling eating disorders and related illnesses.
If you’re after awareness-focused workshops, for school pupils to university students, let us share experiences, talk about diet dialogue, discuss the importance of compassion, and spread the message around mental health empathy among peers
Do you often identify a pupil or student who might need some one to one support and understanding? We can tailor aspects of our adult-focused compassionate coaching options toward youngsters.

You may be a teacher or an educator, but no-one expects you to be fully equipped to understand and convey the many issues and aspects around eating disorders. We can help enhance your knowledge, explain how ‘mental hunger’ affects students, and give you guidance on improving the way your internal culture deals with this spectrum of illness.
Whether you represent a Student Union welfare office, or are responsible for wellbeing in a primary or high school, we can discuss the tailored provision of our Wednesday’s Child gesture boxes. These can be gifted as a one-off, or as a subscription.
If you’d like us at your Fresher’s Fayre, or a particular open day, or to contribute to an assignment around body image, just ask. We appreciate being part of your dialogue on this important area.
A personal message from our founder:
I was deeply entrenched in the world of anorexia whilst trying to complete my degree in Journalism. Out of shame, lack of self-awareness, and fear of judgment, I avoided speaking out to anyone on campus about my demise beneath my ever-more layered clothing.
Instead, perhaps as a cry for help, I wrote a feature as part of my final assignment, with the revealing headline of: Stress, Study…And Starvation. That was 1999 and the world has changed vastly since then. Much more is known about eating disorders, and yet, there is so much more we can do to remove taboo and limit the likelihood of someone encounter the grips of a killer illness. Please let Wednesday’s Child help you support those in education.
Debbie x