• All profits aid eating disorder recovery
  • Please help us to help others Donate Here

What we do

What we do

We’re a social enterprise business, determined to make a difference
to the lives of those experiencing an eating disorder – and to aid those who care for an individual with such a life limiting illness.


Gifts for


At the centre of our original intent, was the idea of providing carefully curated gifts which would be ideal for someone in recovery. We've since expanded our gift offering, so that you can also find such things as 'positivity mantras' or can order a special artistic gift which would be perfect for a person needing a mid-recovery lift or a reminder of your cheerleading support.

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Supportive Suppers

& Virtual Too

In a recovery journey, creating a way in which someone with eating disorder experiences can again learn to love social situations and the ‘joy of breaking bread’, makes so much sense. When not restricted by the pandemic, we create live events to encourage friendship and mutual 'tribe support', often with key speakers & activities. Throughout Covid restrictions, we continue to run events, but mainly onine. Please check in with us to find updates.

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Achieving occupational balance is so important in recovery. This is a key part of enabling you to live a life which is equally filled with joy and freedom, as with demands and duties. We work with you to help you understand your approach to productivity and movement, whilst getting you to challenge daily activities, like shopping, self-care, professional focus and more.

Therapy for1-2-1


We're fortunate to have a number of specialist therapy practitioners who truly 'get' eating disorders. We triage all referrals, before working with you to decide if 1-2-1 e.d therapy might be right for you, or perhaps a systemic family therapy approach, or art psychotherapy tailored for those battling an eating disorder. Message us to find out more or complete the referral form.

Befriending &


Coaching means many different things to different people. Is it merely ‘telling someone’ how to perform, behave, change or improve? Is it walking the walk with someone, sharing in their challenges and helping them leap despite the fear? We support individuals and maintain impetus for those who have been in-patient, or who are in self-adopted recovery. We devise tailored programmes to navigate issues such as self-care, socialisation. In our opinion, nothing beats lived experience so we look forward to finding you a match.