Recovery Champions
Helping you help them

A practicionesr tool
Are you a GP?
We appreciate how challenging it must be to feel you are unable to immediately alter the course of someone’s experience of an eating disorder. Wednesday’s Child has been designed to ensure that a GP or a supporting health professional can feel truly ‘enabled’ within the care of someone in the community. Get in touch to understand more about how we can work with you via our social prescribing model for box distribution to patients, or, how we can aid learning within your practice about eating disorders and their complexity.
Working with healthcare

Carers &
We love to hear from those who are fully engaged in supporting someone with an eating disorder or mental health journey. Heck, we heartily celebrate you! We want Wednesday’s Child to enable you to be a more empathetic and effective supporter, whether as a parent or partner or colleague. Now’s your chance to get in touch and find out about what training or events you might find appropriate for yourself or the person you care about. You can also find out about how to volunteer or support us through your own daily activities. Send us an message via the form below.

‘It takes a village’. This sentiment is so apt when it comes to helping someone battling a mental health issue like an eating disorder.
business involvement

Why not
Whether it’s pennies or pounds, your contributions will matter enormously in our quest to help spread awareness, education, and recovery support.
We welcome discussions with individuals and organisations about regular giving, and we can provide you with presentation collateral which will help explain to your staff, family, or social crowd, just where it is that your money will go.

Workshops, supportive suppers, training, certification, recovery insights and inspirational presentations….we cover the lot. Take a read of some of our current events, and look to our social pages for images and updates about our recent events. Interested in taking part, attending – or putting yourself forward as someone to deliver an event? We welcome your enthusiasm and interest.
Browse Events

£94 billion. Yes, that’s the startling figure the OECD says is the cost to UK of mental ill health. While you cannot compassionately attach a price to someone’s despair or struggles, this is a very stark reminder of how business is affected when we choose not to support those we love, learn, live and work with. Our Empathy Programme is built with that in mind. It’s great for businesses, but also for others who desire to support those they may recognise in their lives now or in the future. Our certified approach gives you an insight into what it’s like for someone who is living with an eating disorder. Become part of an increased audience of individuals who truly ‘get’ what it looks like in the modern world.

Advice &
We don’t want to preach at you with fact sheets about eating disorders and mental health. We know you can find the latest stats and facts on how many people are living with, or dying from, this awful illness. Instead, we want to regularly share ideas and information with you, via our newsletter and our inspiration sheets. If there’s ever a particular area on which you need more information, please do ask our team.
Read InformationGet involved?
Whatever your interest in our work, please reach out, whether to offer support or be supported there is a place for you here.