Five minutes with... Frances Verbeek of The Happi Empire
Your Name: Frances Verbeek
Your Business: The Happi Empire
Nature Of Your Business: I write and design guided journals, card decks and inspiration to help you cultivate inner happiness, through self care, self reflection and inner wisdom.
How And Why Did Your Business Start? I had a life changing experience on a retreat in 2003 and my entire perspective on reality and the purpose of life changed. One of the things I learned is that we have a choice to live in one of two ways - through Love or Fear.
If you live guided by Fear thoughts, which is more dominant in humans, you will experience more mental hardship. But if you live guided by Love thoughts, you will have more synchronicities, move through life’s challenges more easily and have more inspiration to manifest your dreams.
The reason I started The Happi Empire is because I want to empower people with this information, so more people can learn how to dissolve their suffering and create a happy experience. Myself and people that I love have been affected by mental health issues, so I take this job very seriously.
What Can Box Recipients Expect From Your Particular Product? The intention of my products is to guide you to undo negative thoughts, listen to your own inner wisdom and take action from there. This is how you can heal, love yourself and release the suffering of your human experience.
How Can Wednesday’s Child’s Followers Find Out More About You Or Follow You And Your Activities? I send out a monthly inspiring newsletter which you can sign up to via my website I also post regular inspo on Instagram

Why Are You Pleased To Be Working With Wednesday’s Child? I’m honoured to be working with Wednesday’s Child! I think The Happi Empire’s products are a perfect alignment of values and loving intention.
What’s Your Top Tip For Achieving A Moment Of Calm In This Crazy World?
I think the real craziness goes on in our minds, so for me, it’s about doing positive things to calm my mind. Yoga is great for this, as is painting or being creative with no outcome. Getting out in nature and being mindful of my surroundings. All these things are really calming and make me feel more peaceful.
Who Or What Makes You Feel Happy? The people I love! But also, I love connecting with my intuition to download wisdom. Being creative makes me happy, as does dancing, watching comedy, beautiful clothes and reading spiritual books.
Kindest Thing Someone Has Done For You: My husband, Will, treats me with so much love and kindness all the time. He slips love notes under my door, listens to me and sees through to my soul, even when I’m not looking or behaving like my best!
One Wish, Tip Or Hope You Have For A Mental Health Warrior Who Is Currently In The Midst Of A Battle? The thought that always helps me is: you are not your thoughts. Most of your thoughts are not true, so don’t believe them.
To get out of your head, where the destructive, false thoughts are, try this: Set the alarm for 30 mins and challenge yourself to say ‘delete’ to any thought that pops into your mind that feels horrid. Have a positive mantra to swill around your mind instead. Replacing the negative thought with something positive leaves less space for the negative thought to return.
Best Piece Of Advice You’ve Ever Heard? Feelings follow thoughts, so monitor and soothe your thoughts and beliefs to feel better :)
- May 2019