Five minutes with... Lili Sinclair-Williams of LSW Mind Cards

Your Name: Lili Sinclair-Williams
Your Business: LSW Mind Cards
Nature of Business: LSW Mind Cards are a toolbox of techniques and tasks specially curated to help to create a greater sense of wellbeing and a more fulfilling life.
How and why did your business start? I work as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and I see clients with a really broad range of issues. One of the most common issues I come across is anxiety and everything that comes with the stresses of modern day life. I have lots of tools and techniques I use with my clients which have amazing results and I wanted to make them more widely accessible to everyone.
What can box recipient expect from your particular product? LSW Mind Cards are a pack of daily cards split across 5 categories. In each category are different tasks to carry out which, when used regularly, will help to create a brighter outlook and promote a greater sense of wellbeing throughout daily life. Simply shuffle the cards and pick one each morning and experience how creating positive daily habits can relieve you of stresses and change your life.

How can Wednesday's Child's followers find out more about you or follow you and your activities? You can find out more about the therapy I do on and to learn more about the cards check out You can also follow me on Instagram @lswlondon for lots more advice and tips on managing your mental health and @lswmindcards for news and offers about the cards!
Why are you pleased to be working with Wednesday's Child? I have a passion for helping others and in particular, guiding people through hard times. I love Wednesday’s Child’s ethos and passion for kindness and empathy. They are the perfect match for LSW Mind Cards.
What's your top tip for achieving a moment of calm in this crazy world? Take five minutes each day to stop what you’re doing, put down your phone and just focus on an action that makes you happy, something simple like drinking a cup of tea or coffee. No distractions, just focusing on any positive sensations or feelings you get from just ‘being’.
Who or what makes you feel happy? The obvious: husband, family, friends. The less obvious: taking time for self-care, becoming more aware of my environment and what I’m grateful for in my day to day normal life. Simply being ‘present’ can make me happier than most material things.
Kindest thing someone has done for you: I can’t think of one particular thing however the support and kindness shown to me by my family, friends and husband during moments of hardship has been amazing. I am very lucky and very grateful for all of the loved ones in my life.

One wish, tip or hope you have for a mental health warrior who is currently in the midst of a battle?
My tip would be to remember that sometimes there will be hard days and it’s important to let them come and let them go again. Recovery is a process and it’s never linear. Don’t feel you have failed if you have a bad day, be kind to yourself and have a list of things that make you happy ready to pick from to try to make it easier.Best piece of advice you've ever heard? Not advice per se but a quote from my teacher and the founder of Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Trevor Silvester “We are not human beings, we are human becomings.” You are not the finished product yet and life is a constant opportunity to change, grow and learn.
More information: To find out more about Cognitive Hypnotherapy or find a therapist near you you can visit Lili works from her home in Islington, London and also offers online sessions. To learn more about working with her please email
Discount offer: use the code ‘Wednesday’ for an exclusive 10% discount
- May 2019