Half Term or Home-Schooling? We Salute You
Either way, we want to applaud any of you who are in the midst of an e/d recovery battle, while also contending with the demands of family life like schooling and parenting generally.
The Wednesday’s Child team have been reflecting together on a daily basis just how tough this is, and of course, we send bucket loads of sympathy and support to those who fall into this category.
Here, in brief, are some tips for those of you who are parenting a young person with an eating disorder right now, and also, for those of you who are dealing with your own recovery while being an amazing parent.
So you’re a parent with a child facing an e/d battle:
- Keep calm and remember to wear your oxygen mask
- Investigate family therapy whether for you or all the family
- Set non negotiables around meals and food (duration of meal, time of day, where a meal must take place, who cooks)
- With your child, with a friend who you can share your fears to, and with a professional who can advise
- Consider family diversion tactics after meals – board games, an episode of your favourite show
- Never allow the e/d to intensify a rift. Tell your child you understand that this is not them and that you are on their side but not on the side of the illness
So you’re a parent trying to get well:
- Wear your oxygen mask and prioritise recovery. Yes, you’ve other things to do, but you must be well to help others
- You can’t kid a kidder. Be honest with yourself when you’re struggling and speak to someone you trust
- Consider befriending as a way that you can have a relationship that allows you to discuss your e/d outside of your home
- Think about age appropriate conversations around your illness with your children
- Remind yourself of all the qualities your child loves in you and make those the motivation to stay well and healthy
- Make mealtimes family time. Involve children in the process and lower your level of ‘control’ by allowing them to make ‘imperfect food’.
If you're a parent and want help from either perspective, please do reach out to us. You can email hello@wednesdayschild.co.uk
- Feb 2021