Three Reasons a Jennifer-style Friends Audit Might be Relevant in Recovery
We have it on good authority that everyone’s favourite romcom and Friends star, Jennifer Aniston, has been taking a tough stance on who she wants in her immediate tribe.
Sure, Jen has done so for reasons related to vaccine status….but is it a possibility that you might need to occasionally look at an audit of your friendship group too?
We’re not suggesting you ditch all your mates (or any for that matter), but here’s our thoughts on why a friendship audit can be so useful in eating disorder recovery:
1 – You’ve got pals who are super addicted to exercise and are less than understanding about you needing to take a breather
- You’re not saying this is ‘forever’, but that perhaps you might need to partake in the high intensity exercise sessions with them for a while. The best of the bunch will still want to see you….but over a latte and a doorstep sandwich instead!
2 – You’re in a circle of peers who can’t steer themselves away from diet dialogue and body-shaming
- It’s never going to help you to focus on your recovery and tackle your own weight-gain fear if those around you always feel the need to discuss weight-loss methods and the shape and size of others
3 – Unfortunately, there are those in your orbit who refuse to believe your illness is ‘real’ and requiring of support; or they believe blaming and shaming will fuel your progress
- Tricky, but sometimes, there will be people who just don’t get mental health and refuse to see an eating disorder as anything other than deliberate. For now at least, you’re probably best off removing yourself.
How about you? Have you had to 'audit' friends during the process of recovery?
How did you handle tricky friendships at this critical time?
Let us know.
- Aug 2021